
You Should Be Concerned Where Your Mattress Is Made

Looking for a new mattress? You’re not alone! Americans purchase over 30 million mattresses every year, spending a staggering 7 billion collectively. With 100+ mattress brands available, you want to be sure you’re getting the best mattress at the best value. But when you may come across that seemingly perfect mattress at your dream price, you might want to think twice about what’s underneath that silky memory foam or pillowtop surface, and where it came from.

Am I getting the best quality mattress?

Mega-brand mattress manufacturers have been known to source mattress components for their affordable value — not their quality, which is passed on to you. Research the mattress brand you’re interested in beforehand, and look for transparency in the mattress making process. The following parameters should all be available from the mattress brand or manufacturer:

  • What is the type and thickness of every material in every layer of the mattress? Once you find this information, add up the thickness for every layer reported. Does that number match the actual height of the mattress?
  • Have they measured and reported on the density of the memory foam? Denser memory foams will be more supportive and last longer.
  • What is the coil thickness and material? Space between coils? The total number of coils? Coil gauge?
  • Are there latex layers? What type are they made from, and are there any blends?
  • What is the top cover layer made from? If it contains memory foam, what is the density?

Mattress manufacturers that have made high-quality mattresses, will want to pass that information along to you. Beware the mattress brands with a flashy sell and lacking details.

mattress qualify, hand on mattressDoes the mattress manufacturer have a quality control system?

If you have a recommendation on a mattress from a trusted friend, you want to make sure that your potential mattress is going to be identical in quality and comfort to your friend’s mattress. Most mattress companies have some type of internal quality control check before leaving the manufacturer, but some brands are better than others. Before purchasing, check the label to see how that particular mattress was tested to ensure quality. If purchasing online, make sure there’s a warranty in place for mattresses that slip through their control system.

mattress with pillowsWhat’s the price to value ratio of the mattress?

Every new mattress you buy is going to be marked at a higher price than what it took to make it, or that mattress brand wouldn’t be in business. But sometimes that mark up is just way too high. When shopping at a higher price point, double-check that the mattress manufacture components are of a higher quality (e.g. denser memory foam, thick coils), and not identical to that mattress down the way on sale for $500 dollars less.

a person buying a mattressWho am I employing with the purchase of this mattress, and where will my money end up?

Yes, it’s cheaper for mattress manufacturers to build those great memory foam mattress outside the United States. But today’s more socially conscious consumer wants to know where their hard-earned money is going — and to whose economy.

More mattress brands today are taking pride in choosing to keep their mattress manufacturing in the United States, some even choose to keep manufacturing, and jobs, local. These decisions also influence the carbon footprint of your mattress and the length of its journey before arriving in your bedroom. Keep in mind that USA-based mattress brands don’t have to be more expensive than their international dipping competitors — look for business models with factory-direct options that keep overhead low and pass those socially conscious savings onto you.

USA CERTIFIED® is a third-party association that audits the supply chain of brands, including mattress brands, to determine if all manufacturing occurs and components made within the United States. Looking for a USA CERTIFIED® seal, or the absence of one can tell you a lot about the manufacturing process of a mattress before purchasing.

At the end of a hard long day, you deserve a good night’s sleep on a great mattress. Sleep soundly knowing that your mattress was manufactured to perfection by someone who cares about your health.

About UltraBed:

We are manufacturers of the highest quality memory foam, latex foam and hybrid mattresses available today! We take pride in everything we manufacture, as well as being associated with other specialty mattress manufacturers, to help offer you a wide assortment of sleep systems. We work directly with these other manufacturers to bring you high-quality products like a variety of adjustable beds.
